Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hello World!

Today marks my very first blog post ever.  I am excited to share with you my thoughts and passion for the wedding industry and also my own journey of wedding planning with my fiancé. To be honest, I am so nervous because I'm not that great of a writer.  The pressure to sound intelligent... cool... engaging... It takes me forever put everything into the right words.  Hopefully by doing this [blogging] will help me gain more confidence in my writing.  So... please bear with me as I try to begin this blogging journey for Chic.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you! I was exactly that nervous when I started my own blog, but as you know practice will make it perfect. I even attended the bloggers meet recently in a very pretty event space San Francisco and got to know more people who think alike. I had a great time!
